# addressWatcher ## How to build You can build this program using the following commandline ``` CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags '-s -w' -trimpath . ``` ## How to use Fill all needed parameters and execute the binary ``` ./addressWatcher \ -address YOUR_ADDRESS \ -apikey YOUR_APIKEY_FOR_chainz.cryptoid.info \ -coin SHORT_FOR_YOUR_COIN \ -chatid TELEGRAM_CHATID \ -token TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN \ -name NICKNAME_OF_ADDRESS ``` ## Prerequisits 1. Check if your Blockchain is available at https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ 1. If so, take note of the short handle in the url for your coin (e.g. `btc` for bitcoin, as taken from `https://btc.cryptoid.info/btc/`) 1. You need to create a Telegram bot first by talking to `@botfather` in Telegram and following the instructions 1. Create a seperate group for you (,some others) and your bot in Telegram 1. Invite `@RawDataBot` into your channel and read out the chatid (including the `-` sign at the front) e.g. `-123456` 1. Remove `@RawDataBot` from your channel 1. Request an API key from https://chainz.cryptoid.info/api.key.dws 1. Start this program somewhere it can run forever, e.g. a server ## Use cases ### Monitoring a Masternode This program can be used to track rewards for a masternode. If you put in the address of the masternode this program will alert you of any changes made to the wallet's amount ### Monitoring a donation address If you have an address where people can donate cryptocurrency to, you can leave this program running to be alerted of any incoming donations